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Video Call Tip: Mind Your Surroundings

At this point, we’re all used to video calls. Whether your office is fully remote, hybrid, or fully in-person, video conferencing is now a permanent way of business. While there are many factors that go into a good presentation, you’ll want to think about where you’re conferencing from, too.

Many times, it’s easy to forget that where you’re taking your call is prone to change. You’re concerned with lighting, angles, making sure you look professional, that you forget you’re in an area that family can walk right through. Or, perhaps you left the window open, and now a fire truck driving along your street is making its sirens heard for everyone on the call.

Since most calls are pre-scheduled, you should make a point to vet your area ahead of time. Make sure to close all windows tightly, and, if you know street sounds are a problem, move away from them entirely. Try not to take the call somewhere where people can walk through or make noise, but, if that’s unavoidable, remind your household ahead of time that you’ll be on a call.

Employing this type of thinking ahead of a call will help ensure your team only hears and sees you on the other line. And, when someone on the call interrupts everyone with their distractions, you’ll be glad it wasn’t you.