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Please Stop Reusing Your Passwords

We use so many websites and services these days that require a login, which makes it all too easy to use just one or two passwords for the bunch. It might make signing in easier now, but trust us; reusing your password is beyond dangerous.

Here’s the deal; 24/7, 365 days a year, there are people all around the globe looking to steal your information. They’re trying every business, every website, looking for vulnerabilities to exploit and steal their users’ data. It happens all the time.

Should your password be among the information stolen in a breach, and should that password be the same for all of your accounts, your digital life is toast. Hackers will take your login they stole from, say, Target, and try it on banking websites, for example. If they get a match, it’s a field day for them.

So, what can you do about it? You should be using a strong, unique password for every single one of your accounts. Sure, that’s difficult to keep track of (who can remembers hundreds of unique passwords), but luckily you don’t have to; if you use a password manager, the software remembers all of your passwords for you. You just need to remember the password for the manager, and you’re all set.

You’ll find password managers built-into the software you already use. Apple, for instance, has iCloud Keychain, while Chrome has a password manager as part of the browser. Whichever manager you use, know you’re doing yourself, and your data, a huge service. Stay safe!